Student file of Samuel C. Deon, a member of the Sioux nation, who entered the school on November 30, 1882 and ultimately departed on May 9, 1896. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and re-entered. The file contains student information cards, a returned student survey, a former student response postcard, and a report…
Stokes, H.

Date of Entry:
National Archives and Records Administration

Date of Entry:
Student information cards of Emma Skye, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on September 13, 1896 and ultimately graduated in 1903, departing on November 10, 1903.
In school documentation Emma Skye's name is also spelled Emma Sky, Emma G. Skye, and Emma G. Sky. Her married name is Emma Jordan (Mrs. William Ward Jordan…
National Archives and Records Administration