Progress card of Audman Ohmert, a member of the Delaware Nation, who entered the school on October 1, 1908.
Ohmert, Audman T.

Student file of Audman T. Ohmert, a member of the Delaware Nation, who entered the school on October 1, 1908. No departure date is given. The file contains a progress/conduct card, an outing record, correspondence, a former student response postcard, trade/position record cards, returned student surveys, an application for enrollment, a report…

Student information card of Audman T. Ohmert, a member of the Delaware Nation, who entered the school on October 1, 1908 and departed on September 7, 1911. The file indicates Ohmert was living in Bonham, Texas and Dallas, Texas was living in 1913.

Student information card of Audman T. Ohmert, a member of the Delaware Nation, who entered the school on October 1, 1908 and departed on September 7, 1911.

Four student essays on how Christmas is spent at their homes. The students were William Yellowelk, Ella Deloney, Anna Melinsa Rose, and Audmon Ohmert.