A. C. Tonner, Acting Commissioner of the Office of Indian Affairs, forwards correspondence connected to the Kutz Farm, a survey of the land, and copy of the act of the Pennsylvania Legislature authorizing the purchase of the U.S. Government of the Kutz Farm to the Secretary of the Interior. The correspondence covers the difficulty in…
Kutz, Anna E.

November 1, 1900 - February 15, 1901
Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence, Maps
National Archives and Records Administration

February 1 - June 6, 1901
William Youngblood, Auditor for the Interior Department, returns to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs various documents related to the purchase of the Kutz Farm by the United States Government. Included is the brief of title held by Christopher and Anna Kutz, the examination of the title by the Assistant Attorney General Joseph Whitaker…
Financial Documents, Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence, Maps
National Archives and Records Administration

March 25, 1901 - May 21, 1901
Richard Henry Pratt forwards to the Office of Indian Affairs various documents related to the purchase of the Kutz Farm by the U.S. Government. Documents include the deed of Christopher and Anna Kutz for 175 acres, brief of title, and a certificate of prothonotary of Cumberland County that there are no liens on the property.
Financial Documents, Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration