Student file of Sarah Powell, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on January 23, 1913 and departed on June 6, 1916. The file contains an application for enrollment, a student information card, an outing record, financial transactions, outing evaluations, and correspondence related to an incident on an outing.
…Golze, A. B.

Student information card of Sarah Powell, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on January 23, 1913 and departed on June 6, 1916.

Student file of Rachel Holmes, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on October 3, 1914 and departed on February 4, 1916. The file contains a student information card, a medical/physical record, a federal financial aid form, an application for enrollment, an outing evaluation, an outing record, financial transactions, and…

Student file of Ella Israel, a member of the Cherokee Nation, who entered the school on October 22, 1914, graduated in 1915, and departed on June 25, 1918. The file includes student information cards, an application for enrollment, correspondence, a returned student survey, financial transactions, an outing evaluation, a progress report from…

Student file of Alice Gardner, a member of the Stockbridge Nation, who entered the school on October 27, 1915, graduated in 1918, and departed on August 31, 1918. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, a physical record, correspondence, financial transactions, an outing evaluation, an outing record, notices…

Student information cards of Pauline Jimerson, a member of the Seneca Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1917 and departed on August 28, 1918. The file indicates Jimerson was transferred to the Haskell Institute in Lawrence, Kansas upon the closure of the Carlisle Indian School.