James A. MacAlister writes to Mother Katharine Drexel regarding Nash's ability as a student as well as his tuition bill. Nash "is a bright fellow, an industrious student, and stands well in all his classes," as Drexel notes. MacAlister was the first president of Drexel Institute of Art Science and Industry (now Drexel University) while Drexel…
Drexel Institute

Richard Henry Pratt requests to add a Domestic Science Department at the Carlisle Indian School and requests authority to employ Harriet Eck as an extra teacher.

The 1901 Commencement program of Drexel Institute of Art, Science, and Industry (now Drexel University), located in Philadelphia, in which Albert H. Nash (graduated from Carlisle Indian School in 1897) is listed on the third page as having earned a diploma in the course in Commerce and Finance.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter approving the temporary appointments of five employees at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes that these employees have long been employed at Carlisle and their temporary appointments must be mistaken. In addition, Pratt discusses Ida Swallow, Johnson Bradley, and William…