Athletic Association

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 records
Materials Regarding Athletic Fund Disposition Following Investigation
1908 - August 23, 1918

Materials related to the disposition of funds of the Carlisle Indian School Athletic Association following an investigation by E. B. Linnen. Contains the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association for the year 1908, correspondence regarding how to handle money moving forward, a resolution updating the by-laws, as well as other financial…

Books and Pamphlets, Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Confirmation of Legitimacy of a Carlisle Indian School Advertisement
October 14, 1910 - October 26, 1910

Printing Manufacturer Herbert Bingham encloses an advertisement (apparently for Navajo rugs) to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and asks if it is fraudulent, He is suspicious because the government appears to be making a profit on the sale of the items. Second Assistant Commissioner informs Bingham that it is legitimate and that it is…

National Archives and Records Administration
brown paper with Warner, Glenn S. written on it and a stamp "Active Status."
December 21, 1906 - September 26, 1914

The service file compiled by the Office of Indian Affairs for Glenn S. Warner which covers only a brief period at the end Warner's tenure as Athletic Director at Carlisle. Most of the content concerns the negotiations between Warner, Superintendent Lipps, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs about how Warner would leave the school and what he…

Letters/Correspondence, Newspapers and Magazines
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Investing Carlisle Athletic Association and Restaurant Funds
June 7-12, 1917

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent John Francis Jr. informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that the Carlisle Athletic Association has $4,000 and the restaurant has nearly $1,000. He states that because these are "independent corporations," money from these two sources does not come directly to the superintendent and is instead deposited…

National Archives and Records Administration