The Indian Helper (Vol. 3, No. 27)

Carlisle, PA
February 17, 1888
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The first page opened with a poem, " A Short Sermon," followed by a letter to the Man-on-the-Band-Stand dated Feb 7, 1888 from M. Burgess, entitled "A Sleeping Car," about the comforts of traveling in a sleeping car, which continued on page four.  Page two featured a report called "The Full Exhibit Of The Carlisle Indian School, For Senator Dawes' Committee Room." It described the various pieces of furniture, tinwork, tailoring, blacksmithing, clothing and school work made in the shops and classrooms by students as well as photographs to be exhibited in Washington D.C. Page three reported many news items about students and teachers including the deaths of three students, Jack Mather (Lipan Apache), Sybil Marko (Chiricahua Apache) and Samuel Johns (Nez Perce). The last item entitled "Our Artists," described student drawings. The fourth page ended with the weekly Enigma and Conundrum.

Time Period
Cumberland County Historical Society