New Feature: Submit Corrections Button

Date of Post

In the process of describing and uploading thousands of documents to this website, mistakes occasionally slip through our review process. With this in mind, we have added a button for submitting corrections. The button appears at the bottom of each posting on the site for student files and images. Please let us know if you find any typographical or other errors in our descriptions and tags for these documents and photographs so they can be corrected for future users. Simply click the button and fill out the brief form provided (see example screenshots).

In some cases, the information recorded on the old documents themselves may be in error. Students' names, birthdates, family members' names, and other facts may have been written incorrectly by the staff members who worked at the Indian School and filled out many of those documents. We do not yet have a way to share information that corrects those types of errors, but we are considering some options. Please stay tuned.

Thank you for helping to improve the Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center!