The School News (Vol. 3, No. 2)

Carlisle Barracks, PA
July 1882
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On page one Bessie West wrote her “School Father” about what she has been doing since she left Carlisle. On the same page E.C. compared Indian children’s want to go to school to a child who wants to swim, once they are allowed, they will take their fill before leaving. Following on the next page, Charles Kihega (Iowa) explained how little things take time, effort and cooperation to become great, but it is possible and that every great thing started as little pieces. Page three told of a fountain in a tree in Pine Grove Park, 550 tons of coals being delivered to the school’s coal house, and Rosa Ross (Creek) writing from home, telling of how she’s been working for Mrs. Vickers. Also on the page was a short advertisement aimed at the students who went home, calling them useless if they return to Indian ways after learning how to be "White" at school. On page four students explain various biological features of animals, Ahconemay Neopet explained different teeth and Alice Neopet explained cows’ four stomachs.

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Cumberland County Historical Society